Current Projects
Agency & Dates | PI (and co-PIs) | Title | Total Budget |
NIST 2/20 – 7/25 | Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R. | NIST Center of Excellence in Community Resilience | $1,300,000 |
USFS WIG 9/23 – 9/25 | Sheine, J., Barbosa, A.R, Fretz, M, MacDonald, I. | Mass Timber Prefabricated Panels for Affordable Housing Prototype Development | $240,000 |
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Institute 9/23 – 8/25 | Barbosa, A.R., Reis, C. | Cascading seismic and tsunami loads for the design of open-wharves | $75,000 |
NSF Regional Innovation Development Award 6/23 – 5/26 | Sheine, J., Barbosa, A.R., MacDonald, I., Englund, K. | Advancing Mass Timber Technologies | $1,000,000 |
Oregon Department of Transportation 12/22 – 08/25 | Barbosa, A.R., Ideker, J. | Low-carbon Ultra High-Performance Concrete for Use in Highway Infrastructure | $400,000 |
USDA Agricultural Research Service 9/22 – 8/25 | Fretz, M., Barbosa, A.R., Sheine, J., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. | Forest to Facade: Developing Seismic + Energy Mass Timber Commercial Facade Retrofits | $210,000 |
USDA Agricultural Research Service 9/22 – 8/25 | Barbosa, A.R., Simpson, B., Sinha, A., | Collating experimental data to support the numerical modeling of mass timber systems | $87,727 |
US National Science Foundation 9/21 – 8/26 | Ruggiero, P. (Barbosa listed as Senior Personnel) | Large-Scale CoPe Cascadia Coastlines & People Hazards Research Hub | $18,800,000 |
Completed Projects
Collaborative Research: Wave, Surge, and Tsunami Overland Hazard, Loading and Structural Response for Developed Shorelines
Sponsor: NSF CMMI
Researchers: Dan Cox (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI)
Timeline: July 2017 – June 2020
Funding: $385,882
Collaborative Research: Wave, Surge, and Tsunami Overland Hazard, Loading and Structural Response for Developed Shorelines. Award #1661015. Principal investigators, Andrew Kennedy, Notre Dame University. Co-PIs: Pat Lynett, University of Southern California; R. Gahnem, University of Southern California; Andre Barbosa, Oregon State University; Dan Cox, Oregon State University. NSF organization: CMMI. Start date: August 1, 2017.
Seismic Performance of CLT and CLT-Concrete Composite Floor Diaphragms
Sponsor: USDA-ARS
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Arijit Sinha (co-PI), Christopher Higgins (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2017 – May 2020
Funding: $250,000
Living Lab @ Peavy Hall: Structural Health Performance of Mass Timber Buildings
Sponsor: USDA-ARS
Researchers: Mariapaola Riggio (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Kevin Wymelenberg (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2017 – May 2020
Funding: $156,331
Composite Concrete-CLT Floor Systems for Tall Building Design
Sponsor: USDA-ARS
Researchers: Christopher Higgins (PI), Andre Barbosa (PI), Arijit Sinha (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2017 – May 2020
Funding: $250,000
NIST Center of Excellence in Community Resilience [login]
Sponsor: NIST.
Center Directors: John van de Lindt, Bruce Ellingwood
Researchers at OSU: Dan Cox (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Michael Scott (co-PI)
Timeline: February 2015 – January 2020
Center Funding: $20,000,000; Funding at OSU: $1,147,532SMART-CLT – “Structural Health Monitoring and Post- Occupancy Performance of Mass Timber Buildings.
Sponsor: USDA-ARS
Researchers: Mariapaola Riggio (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Kevin Wymelenberg (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2016 – May 2019
Funding: $156,331
Performance of High-strength Steel Reinforcement in Shear Friction Applications
Sponsor: Oregon DOT
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), David Trejo (co-PI)
Timeline: February 2017 – February 2019
Funding: $400,000
Development of Titanium Seismic Retrofits for Deficient Concrete Columns
Sponsor: Oregon DOT
Researchers: Christopher Higgins (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI)
Timeline: January 2016 – December 2017
Funding: $400,000
Structural Testing for the Framework Project
Sponsor: KPFF Consulting Engineers.
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Arijit Sinha (co-PI), Christopher Higgins (co-PI)
Timeline: 2016
Funding: $109,224
Composite Long-span Mass-timber Floor Systems for Building Applications
Sponsor: SOM and SLB.
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Christopher Higgins (co-PI)
Timeline: October 2015 – September 2016
Funding: $48,000
RAPID/Collaborative Research: Post-Disaster, Reinforced Concrete Building Performance Data Collection following the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake
Sponsor: NSF CMMI.
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Michael Olsen (co-PI), Andreas Stavridis (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2015 – July 2016
Funding: $81,326
Torsional Safety of Highway Traffic Signal and Signage Support Structures
Sponsor: PacTrans, Region X UTC.
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Armin Stuedlein (co-PI)
Timeline: June 2015 – May 2016
Funding: $20,971
Shafts in Torsion
Sponsor: Oregon DOT.
Researchers: Armin Stuedleing (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI)
Timeline: September 2014 – October 2015
Funding: $60,000
Oregon BEST Commercialization of Cross Laminated Timber Panels Production in Oregon
Sponsor: Oregon BEST
Researchers: Lech Muszynski (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Arijit Sinha (co-PI), Rakesh Gupta (co-PI)
Timeline: October 2014 – October 2016
Funding: $150,000
Hybrid Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Panels for Sustainable Building Solutions
Researchers: Lech Muszynski (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Arijit Sinha (co-PI), Rakesh Gupta (co-PI)
Timeline: January 2014 – December 2016
Funding: $289,631
High-Performance Bridge Systems for Lifeline Corridors in the Pacific Northwest
Sponsor: Oregon Department of Transportation and PacTrans Region 10 UTC
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), David Trejo (co-PI)
Timeline: August 2013 – December 2015
Funding: $135,000 (ODOT) + $100,000 (PacTrans)
Cost-Effective Improvements in Seismic Performance of Legacy Infrastructure
Sponsor: Cascadia Lifelines Program (CLiP)
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI)
Timeline: October 2013 – December 2016
Total Funding Year 1: $48,961; Total Funding Year 2: $92,961; Year 3: $48,961
1. Soti, R., Barbosa, A. R., and Stavridis, A. (2014). Numerical Modeling of URM Infill Walls Retrofitted with Embedded Reinforcing Steel, In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
Assessing, Coding, and Marking of Highway Structures in Emergency Situations
Sponsor: NAS/NCHRP
Researchers: Michael Olsen (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Marc Veletsos (co-PI), ZhiQiang Chen (co-PI)
Timeline: November 2013 – November 2015
Total Funding Phase 1: $100,000, Funding Phase 2: $300,000
1. Soti, R., Barbosa, A. R., and Stavridis, A. (2014). Numerical Modeling of URM Infill Walls Retrofitted with Embedded Reinforcing Steel, In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
Assessment of Soil Arching Factor for Retaining Wall Pile Foundations (Phase 1)
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Scott Ashford (co-PI)
Timeline: November 2013 – August 2015
Total Funding: $185,257
Use and Re-use of Formwork: Safety Risks and Reliability Assessment
Sponsor: Center for Construction Research and Training
Researchers: John Gambatese (co-PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI), Amrutha Das
Timeline: July 2013 – June 2014
Funding: $29,925
1. Barbosa, A. R., Gambatese, J., Das, A., and Pestana, A.C. (2014). “Mapped Workflow for Safety and Reliability Assessments of Use and Re-use of Formwork.” Construction Research Congress, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, May 19-21, 2014.
2. Gambatese, J., Barbosa, A.R., Das, A. (2014) “Use and Re-use of Formwork: Safety Risks and Reliability Assessment,” CPWR Small Study Report, Silver Spring, MD
3. Gambatese, J., Barbosa, A.R., Das, A. (2014) “KEY FINDINGS FROM RESEARCH: Worker Safety and Concrete Formwork,” CPWR Small Study Report Highlights, Silver Spring, MD
New Strategies for Maintaining Post-Seismic Operations of Lifeline Corridors
Sponsor: Oregon Department of Transportation and PacTrans Region 10 UTC
Researchers: David Trejo (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI)
Timeline: August 2012 – January 2014
Funding: $180,000
1. Trejo, D., Barbosa, A. R., Link, T. (2014). “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Constructed with Grade 80 Reinforcement,” Final Project Report FHW A-OR-RD-15-02, SRS 500-610, Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, Oregon.
2. Trejo, D., Barbosa, A. R., Link, T. (2014). “New Strategies for Maintaining Post-Seismic Operations of Lifeline Corridors – Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Constructed with Grade 80 Reinforcement,” Final Project Report. Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), Seattle, Washington.
SSI BRIDGE: Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on PNW Bridges
Sponsor: PacTrans Region 10 University Transportation Center
Researchers: Andre Barbosa (PI), Ben Mason (co-PI)
Timeline: September 2012 – August 2013
Funding: $40,000 + $44,727 match from Oregon State University
1. Romney, K. T, Barbosa, A. R., and Mason, H. B. (2014). “Developing a soil bridge-interaction model for studying the effects of long-duration earthquake motions,” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
2. Barbosa, A. R., Mason, H. B., and Romney, K. T (2014). “SSI-Bridge: Soil-Bridge Interaction during Long-Duration Earthquake Motions.” Final Project Report. Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), Seattle, Washington.
3. Romney, K. T, (2013) “Soil-bridge interaction during long-duration earthquake motions”, MS Thesis, Oregon State University
SSI BRIDGE 2: Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on PNW Bridges
Sponsor: PacTrans Region 10 University Transportation Center
Researchers: Ben Mason (PI), Andre Barbosa (co-PI)
Timeline: September 2013 – December 2014
Funding: $20,000 + $20,000 (OSU match)
1. Carey, T., Mason, H. B., Barbosa, A. R., and Scott, M. H. (2014). “Modeling framework for soil-bridge system response during sequential earthquake and tsunami loading,” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
2. Carey, T. (2014) “Multi-hazard framework and analysis of soil-bridge systems: Long duration earthquake and tsunami loading,” MS Thesis, Oregon State University
Collaboration on International Projects
ROBUST BRICK – Use of Masonry in Improving Structural Robustness of Buildings
Sponsor: FCT/Portugal (Ref: PTDC/ECM-COM/2911/2012)
Researchers: PI – Luis Neves, UNL/UNIC – Portugal
Timeline: 2013 – 2015
Adaptive Methods for Reliability Analysis of Complex Structures
Sponsor: FCT/Portugal
Researchers: PI – Prof. Antonio Pinho Ramos, UNL/UNIC – Portugal
FLAT – Behaviour of Flat Slabs under Cyclic and Seismic Actions
Sponsor: FCT/Portugal (Ref: PTDC/ECM/114492/2009)
Researchers: PI – Prof. Ângelo Manuel Palos Teixeira, IST, Lisbon, Portugal
Performance-based Seismic Design Procedures
Sponsor: FCT/Portugal (Ref: PTDC/ECM/114492/2009)
Researchers: PI – Prof. Rita Bento, IST, Lisbon, Portugal
Physical and Numerical Modeling of Behavior of Bridge Abutments under Seismic Excitation
Sponsor: FCT/Portugal (Ref: PTDC/ECM/114492/2009)
Researchers: PI – Dr. Laura Caldeira (LNEC, Portugal)