[Click on the link to access PDFs – password to view documents folder is “papers”]
Field, T., Barbosa, A. R., Pryor, S., Simpson, B., Uarac, P., Sinha, A., van de Lindt, J. W. “Shake-Table Testing of a Full-Scale Six-story Resilient Mass Timber-Steel Hybrid Building”, J. Struct Eng. submitted.
111. Bhatta, J., Mishara, P., Cook, D.T., Sattar, S., Barbosa, A.R., van de Lindt, J.W. (2025). “Seismic response of pressurized full-scale fire sprinkler piping system in six-story building.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 10.1080/13632469.2025.2470335. In-press.
110. Araujo, G., Simpson, B., Barbosa, A. R., Pieroni, L., Ho, T., Orozco, G. Miyamoto, B., Sinha, A. (2025). “Experimental and Numerical Simulation of a Three-Story Mass Timber Building with a Pivoting Wall and Buckling-Restrained Boundary Elements.” J. Struct. Eng. 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-13781. In-press.
109. Figueira, S.A., Amini, M.*, Cox, D. T. & Barbosa, A. R. (2025). “Methodology for Virtual Damage Assessment and First-Floor Elevation Estimation: Application to Fort Myers Beach, Florida and Hurricane Ian (2022)” Natural Hazards Review. 6(2). DOI: 10.1061/NHREFO/NHENG-2310.
108. Kontra, S.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Mishra, P., McBain, M., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Simpson, B. (2025). “Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment: A Ten- and Six-Story Shake-Table Test Building Case Study” Forest Products Journal, Pg 52-61, DOI: 10.13073/FPJ-D-24-00030R1
107. Han, X., Koliou, M. and Barbosa, A.R. (2025). “Verification and Validation of Agent-Based Models for Resilience Analysis and Simulation.” Natural Hazards Review, 26(1), p.04024059.
106. Ji, R., Sorosh, S., Lo, E., Norton, T.J., Driscoll, J.W., Kuester, F., Barbosa, A.R., Simpson, B.G. and Hutchinson, T.C. (2025). “Application Framework and Optimal Features for UAV-Based Earthquake-Induced Structural Displacement Monitoring.” Algorithms, 18(2), p.66.
105. Amini, M.*, Sanderson, D.R., Cox, D.T., Barbosa, A.R. and Rosenheim, N. (2024). “Methodology to incorporate seismic damage and debris to evaluate strategies to reduce life safety risk for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami.” Natural Hazards, 120(10), pp.9187-9222.
104. Morrell, I., Sinha, A., Higgins, C., Tunc, B. and Barbosa, A.R. (2024). “Two-Way Bending Behavior of Cross-Laminated Timber–Concrete Composite Floors with Alternative Shear Connectors.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(8), p.04024096.
103. Wang, W. L., van de Lindt, J. W., Johnston, B., Crawford, P. S., Yan, G., Dao, T., … & R. Barbosa, A.R. (2024). “Application of Multidisciplinary Community Resilience Modeling to Reduce Disaster Risk: Building Back Better.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 38(3), 04024012.
102. Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R., Ho, T.X., Zimmerman, R.B. and McDonnell, E. (2024). “Compression Behavior of Cross-Laminated Timber Wall Panels with Different Reinforcement Mechanisms.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 36(8), p.04024223.
101. Makhoul, N., Roohi, M., van de Lindt, J.W., Sousa, H., Santos, L.O., Argyroudis, S., Barbosa, A.R., Derras, B., Gardoni, P., Lee, J.S. and Mitoulis, S. (2024). “Seismic resilience of interdependent built environment for integrating structural health monitoring and emerging technologies in decision-making.” Structural Engineering International, 34(1), pp.19-33.
100. Rodrigues, L.G.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Higgins, C., Breneman, S., Zimmerman, R.B., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Berman, J.W., Branco, J.M. and Neves, L.C. (2024). “Analytical and Numerical Models for Wind and Seismic Design and Assessment of Mass Timber Diaphragms.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(2), p.04023229.
99. Morrell, I., Higgins, C., Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R., Srivastava, M.* (2024). “Performance Evaluation of Self-Tapping Screws for Use in Mass Timber-Concrete Composite Floor Connections Through Withdrawal from Mass Timber and Concrete Media.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 10.1061/JMCEE7.MTENG-15865.
98. Reis, C.*, Barbosa, A. R., Baptista, M. A., Lopes, M., & Clain, S. (2024). “A numerical methodology for estimating site-specific cascading earthquake and tsunami dynamic loading on critical infrastructure.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 104163.
97. Morrell, I., Higgins, C., Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2023). “Experimental Assessment of Alternative Shear Connections in Cross-Laminated Timber-Concrete Floor Systems.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 149(5), 04023046.
96. Field, T., Barbosa, A. R., Zimmerman, R. B., Pryor, S., Sinha, A., & Higgins, C. (2023). “Experimental and analytical evaluation of the tension capacity of edgewise connected glued-in rods in mass ply panels.” Construction and Building Materials, 409, 133853.
95. Amini, M., Jeon, H., Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Barbosa, A. R., & Cutler, H. (2023). “Integrated Engineering–Economic Analysis for Multi-hazard Damage and Loss Assessment.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 29(4), 04023031.
94. Liu, J., Fischer, E., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A. (2023). “Experimental Testing and Numerical Simulation of Timber-Concrete Composite Floors in Fire.” Journal of Structural Engineering. 149(11) 04023031.
93. Alam, M. S., Barbosa, A. R., Mugabo, I., Cox, D. T., Park, H., Lee, D., & Shin, S. (2023). “Elevated light-frame wood residential building physical and numerical modeling of damage due to hurricane overland surge and waves.” Engineering Structures, 294, 116774
92. Alam, M.S., Simpson, B., Barbosa, A.R. (2023). “Fragility and Recovery Models for Energy, Water, and Wastewater Systems for Seismic Regional Risk and Resilience Assessment: State-of-the-Art Review and Database.” Natural Hazards Review. 294, 116774, DOI: 10.1061/NHREFO/NHENG-1661.
91. Alam, M. S., Simpson, B. G., Barbosa, A. R., Jung, J., & Parulekar, N. (2023). “Probabilistic seismic damage and loss assessment methodology for wastewater network incorporating modeling uncertainty and damage correlations.” Earthquake Spectra, 39(3), 1435-1472.
90. van de Lindt, J.W., Kruse, J., Cox, D.T., Gardoni, P., Lee, J.S., Padgett, J., McAllister, T.P., Barbosa, A.R., Cutler, H., Van Zandt, S., Rosenheim, N., Navarro, C., Sutley, E., Hamideh, S. (2023). “The Interdependent Networked Community Resilience Modeling Environment (IN-CORE).” Resilient Cities and Structures, 2 (2), 57-66.
89. van de Lindt, J. W., Barbosa, A. R., & Dong, Y. (2023). “Integrated modeling of cities to improve natural hazards resilience.” Editorial. Resilient Cities and Structures, 2(2), A1.
88. Amini, M., Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Barbosa, A.R. (2023). “Methodology to incorporate seismic damage and debris to evaluate strategies to reduce life safety risk for multi-hazard earthquake and tsunami.” Natural Hazards, 1-36.
87. Sanderson, D. R., Cox, D. T., Amini, M.*, Barbosa, A.R. (2022). “Coupled urban change and natural hazard consequence model for community resilience planning.” Earth’s Future, e2022EF003059.
86. Bora, S.*, Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2022). “Effect of Short-Term Simulated Rain Exposure on the Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Angle Bracket Connections.” ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering, 28(4), 04022025
85. Reis, C.*, Barbosa, A.R., Figueiredo, J., Clain, S., Lopes, M., Baptista, M. A. (2022). “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of elevated structures impacted by tsunami-like waves.” Engineering Structures, 270, 114851.
84. Khlef, F.*, Barbosa, A.R., & Ideker, J. H. (2022). “Validated Uniaxial Stress-Strain Model for Cyclic Analysis of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(9), 04022127.
83. Sanderson, D., Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R., & Bolte, J. (2022). “Modeling regional and local resilience of infrastructure networks following disruptions from natural hazards.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 28(3), 04022021.
82. Degan Di Dieco, G.,* Barbosa, A.R., Pregnolato, M. (2022). “A taxonomy of bridges at risk of flooding: towards bridge classes and damage models.” In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Bridge Engineering (pp. 1-7). Thomas Telford Ltd.
81. Stuedlein, A, Huffman, J., Barbosa, A.R., Belejo, A*. (2022). “Probabilistic Structural System Response to Differential Settlement Resulting from Spatially-Variable Soil.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
80. Reis, C.*, Clain, S., Figueiredo, J., Barbosa, A.R., Baptista, M.A., Lopes, M. (2021). “Experimentally Validated Numerical Models to Assess Tsunami Hydrodynamic Force on an Elevated Structure.” Vol. 249, 113280.
79. Taylor, B.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A. (2021). “In-plane Shear Cyclic Performance of Spline Cross-Laminated Timber-Concrete Composite Diaphragms.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(10), 04021148-1-14
78. Bora, S.,* Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2021). “Effect of Wetting and Redrying on Performance of Cross-Laminated Timber Angle Bracket Connection.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(6), 04021121-1-15.
77. Attary, N., van de Lindt, J. W., Barbosa, A.R., Cox, D.T., Unnikrishnan, V. U. (2021). “Performance-Based Tsunami Engineering for Risk Assessment of Structures Subjected to Multi-Hazards: Tsunami following Earthquake.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 25(10), 2065-2084.
76. Duncan, S., Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R., Lomonaco, P., Park, H., Alam, M.S.*, Yu, C.* (2021). “Physical Modeling of Progressive Damage and Failure of Wood-Frame Coastal Residential Structures Due to Surge and Wave Forces.” Coastal Engineering, Vol. 169, 103959
75. Kameshwar, S.*, Park, H. Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R. (2021). “Effect of disaster debris, floodwater pooling duration, and bridge damage on immediate post-tsunami connectivity. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.” Vol. 56, 102119.
74. Baas, E.J.*, Riggio, M., Barbosa, A.R. (2021). “Structural Health Monitoring Data Collected During Construction of a Mass-Timber Building with a Data Platform for Analysis.” Elsevier Data in Brief. Vol. 35, 106845.
73. Mugabo, I.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A.R., Higgins, C., Riggio, M., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Berman, J.W. (2021). “System Identification of UCSD-NHERI Shake-Table Test of Two-Story Structure with Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Walls.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(4) 04021018-1-17.
72. Barbosa, A.R., Rodrigues, L.G.*, Sinha, A., Higgins, C., Zimmerman, R.B, Breneman, S., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Berman, J., McDonnell, E. (2021). “Shake-table Experimental Testing and Performance of Topped and Un-topped Cross-laminated Timber Diaphragms.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(4), 04021011-1-16.
71. Aghababaei, M., Okamoto, C., Koliou, M., Nagae, T., Pantelides, C.P., Ryan, K.L., Barbosa, A.R., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Dashti, S. (2021). “Full-Scale Shake Table Test Damage Data Collection Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Techniques.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(3): 04020356-1-19.
70. Shephard, A.B., Fischer, E.C., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A. (2021). “Fundamental behavior of timber concrete composite floors in fire.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147, (2), 04020340-1-15.
69. Baas, E.J.*, Riggio, M., Barbosa, A.R. (2021). “A Methodological Approach for Structural Health Monitoring of Mass-Timber Buildings Under Construction.” Construction and Building Materials. 268, 121153.
68. Romano, F.*, Alam, M.S.*, Faggella, M., Zucconi, M., Barbosa, A.R., Ferracuti, B. (2021). “Model class uncertainty in seismic loss analysis for a code-designed URM infilled RC building.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 19, 429–462.
67. Burns, P.*, Barbosa, A.R., Olsen, M.J., Wang, H. (2020). “Multi-hazard Damage and Loss Assessment of Bridges in a Highway Network Subjected to Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards.” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 22(2), 05021002-1-18.
66. Soti, R.*, Barbosa, A.R., Stavridis, A. (2020). “Numerical Assessment of URM Infilled RC Frames Retrofitted with Near-Surface Mounted Reinforcing Steel Bars.” Frontiers in Built Environment – Earthquake Engineering. 6, 197.
65. Shekhar, K., Winter, A., Alam, M.S.*, Arduino, P., Miller, G., Motley, M., Eberhard, M., Barbosa, A.R., Lomonaco, P., Cox, D. (2020). “Conceptual Evaluation of Tsunami Debris Field Damming and Impact Forces.” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000600
64. Mahr, K.,* Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2020). “Elevated Temperature Effects on Performance of a Cross-Laminated Timber Floor-To-Wall Bracket Connections.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146 (9), 04020173, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002737
63. Taylor, B.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A. (2020). “Cyclic Performance of In-plane Shear Cross-laminated Timber Panel-to-Panel Surface Spline Connections.” Engineering Structures, 218, 110726, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110726
62. van de Lindt, J.W., Peacock, W.G., Mitrani-Reiser, J., Rosenheim, N., Deniz, D., Dillard, M., Tomiczek, T., Koliou, M., Graettinger, A., Crawford, S., Harrison, K., Barbosa, A.R., Tobin, J., Helgeson, J., Peek, L., Memari, M., Sutley, E., Hamideh, S., Gu, D., Cauffman, S., Fung, J. (2020). “Community Resilience-Focused Technical Investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina Flood: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 21 (3), 04020029, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000387
61. Winter, A., Alam, M.S.*, Shekhar, K., Motley, M., Eberhard, M., Barbosa, A.R., Lomonaco, P., Arduino, P., Cox, D. (2020). “Tsunami-like Wave Forces on an Elevated Coastal Structure: Effects of Flow Shielding and Channeling.” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 146, No. 4, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000581
60. Alam, M.S.*, Winter, A., Galant, G.*, Shekhar, K., Barbosa, A.R., Motley, M., Eberhard, M., Cox, D., Arduino, P., Lomonaco, P. (2020). “Tsunami-like Wave Induced Lateral and Uplift Pressures and Forces on an Elevated Coastal Structure.” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 146, No. 4, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000562
59. Mahr, K.*, Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2020). “Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Thermal Effects on a Typical Cross-Laminated Timber Bracket Shear Connection.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 04020111. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.000312.
58. Buniya, M. K.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sattar, S. (2020). “Assessment of a 12-story Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Frame Building Using Performance-Based Seismic Engineering Standards and Guidelines: ASCE 41, TBI, and LATBSDC.” ACI Special Publication, 339, 134-154. [Video presentation]
57. Soti, R.*, Abdulrahman, L., Barbosa, A.R., Wood, R. L., Mohammadi, M. E., & Olsen, M. J. (2020). “Case study: Post-earthquake model updating of a heritage pagoda masonry temple using AEM and FEM.” Engineering Structures, 206, 109950.
56. Misra, S., Padgett, J., Barbosa, A.R., Webb, B. (2020). “An Expert Opinion Survey on Post Hazard Restoration of Roadways and Bridges: Data and Key Insights.” Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 8755293019891722, pp. 1-22. DOI:10.1177/8755293019891722
55. Ribeiro, F.*, Barbosa, A.R., Neves,L. (2019). “Fragility Assessment of Pre-Northridge Steel Moment Frames using Finite-Length Plastic Hinge Elements and Concentrated Plasticity Fracture Elements.” Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 657- 676. DOI:10.32604/cmes.2019.06296
54. Mohammed, M.A.*, Barbosa, A.R. (2019). “Numerical Modeling Strategy for the Simulation of Nonlinear Response of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls.” Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Special Issue in Advances in OpenSees Applications to Civil Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 3, pp. 583-627. DOI:10.32604/cmes.2019.06052
53. Kameshwar, S.*, Cox, D.T., Barbosa, A.R., Farokhnia, K., Park, H., Alam, M.S., van de Lindt, J.W. (2019). “Probabilistic decision-support framework for community resilience: Incorporating multi-hazards, infrastructure interdependencies, and resilience goals in a Bayesian network.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 191, pp. 106568. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2019.106568
52. Blomgren, H.E., Pei, S., Jin, Z., Powers, J., Dolan, J.D., van de Lindt, J.W., Barbosa, A.R., Huang, D. (2019). “Full-Scale Shake Table Testing of Cross-Laminated Timber Rocking Shear Walls with Replaceable Components.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(10), pp. 04019115. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002388
51. Stenson, J., Ishaq, S.L., Laguerre, A., Loia, A., MacCrone, G., Mugabo, I.*, Northcutt, D., Riggio, M., Barbosa, A.R., Gall, E.T., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. (2019). “Monitored Indoor Environmental Quality of a Mass Timber Office Building: A Case Study.” Buildings 2019, 9, 142; DOI:10.3390/buildings9060142
50. Mugabo, I.*, Barbosa, A.R., Riggio, M. (2019). “Dynamic Characterization and Vibration Analysis of a Four-story Mass Timber Building.” Front. Built Environ. Vol. 5, No. 86, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2019.00086
49. Mugabo, I.*, Barbosa, A.R., Riggio, M., Batti, J. (2019). “Ambient Vibration Measurement Data of a Four-story Mass Timber Building.” Front. Built Environ. Vol. 5, No. 67, pp. 1-4. DOI: 10.3389/fbuil.2019.00067
48. Khlef, F.*, Barbosa, A.R., Ideker, J.H. (2019). “Tension and Cyclic Behavior of High-performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 04019220. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002844
47. Soti, R.*, Barbosa, A.R. (2019). “Experimental and Applied Element Modeling of Masonry Walls Retrofitted with Near Surface Mounted (NSM) Reinforcing Steel Bars.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. Vol. 17, pp. 4081-4114. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-019-00607-2
46. Rodrigues, H., Abrahamczyk, L., Barbosa, A.R., Shi, H., Ferreira, T.M. (2019). “Natural Hazards Challenges to Civil Engineering (Editorial).” Advances in Civil Engineering. Vol. 2019, No. 4565075, pp. 1-2. DOI: 10.1155/2019/4365075
45. Capozzo, M., Rizzi, A., Cimellaro, G. P., Domaneschi, M., Barbosa, A.R., and Cox, D. (2019). “Multi-hazard Resilience Assessment of a Coastal Community to Earthquake and Tsunami.” Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami. Vol. 13, No. 2. DOI: 10.1142/S1793431119500088
44. Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Barbosa, A.R., Berman , J., McDonnell, E., Dolan, J.D., Blomgren, H., Zimmerman, E., Huang, D., Wichman, S. (2019). “Experimental Seismic Response of a Resilient 2-Story Mass-Timber Building with Post-Tensioned Rocking Walls.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 145, No. 11, pp. 04019120. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002382
43. Park, H., Cox, D., Alam, M.S.*, Barbosa, A.R., van de Lindt, J. W. (2019). “Probabilistic seismic and tsunami damage analysis (PSTDA) of the Cascadia Subduction Zone applied to Seaside, Oregon.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Vol. 35, No. 101076, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101076
42. Li, Q., Stuedlein, A.W., and Barbosa, A.R. (2019). “Role of Torsional Shear in Combined Loading of Drilled Shaft Foundations.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Vol. 145, No. 4, pp. 06019001-1-7. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002039.
41. van de Lindt., J.W., Furley, J., Amini, M.O., Pei, S., Tamagnone, G., Barbosa, A.R., Rammer, D., Line, P., Fragiacomo, M., Popovski, M. (2019). “Experimental Seismic Behavior of A Two-Story CLT Platform Building.” Engineering Structures, Vol. 183 (15), pp 408-422, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.12.079
40. Cox, D., Arikawa, T., Barbosa, A.R., et al. (2019). “Hurricanes Irma and Maria post-event survey in US Virgin Islands.” Coastal Engineering Journal DOI: 10.1080/21664250.2018.1558920
39. Schmidt, E., Riggio, M., Barbosa, A.R., Mugabo, I.* (2019). “Environmental Response of a CLT Floor Panel: Lessons for Moisture Management and Monitoring of Mass Timber Buildings.” Building and Environment. Volume 148, 15 January 2019, Pages 609-622. DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.11.038
38. Carey, T.J.*, Mason, H.B., Barbosa, A.R., Scott, M.H. (2019). “Multi-Hazard Earthquake and Tsunami Effects on Soil-Foundation-Bridge Systems.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 24 (4) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001353
37. Mahdavifar, V.*, Barbosa, A.R., Sinha., A., Gupta, R., Muszynski, L., Pryor, S. (2019). “Hysteretic Response of Metal Connections on Hybrid Cross-laminated Timber Panels.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 145 (1) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002222
36. Ling, S., Blomgren, H.E., Barbosa, A.R., van de Lindt, J.W., McDonnell, E., Berman, J., Dolan, J.D. (2018). “Full-Scale Shake Table Testing of a Two-Story Mass Timber Building with Resilient Rocking Wall Lateral Systems.” Wood Design Focus, Vol. 2, Num. 2, pp 10-22
35. Alam, M.S.*, Barbosa, A.R. (2018). “Probabilistic seismic demand assessment accounting for finite element model class uncertainty: Application to a code-designed URM infilled reinforced concrete frame building.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 47 Issue 15, pp 2901-2920, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3113
34. Barbosa, A.R., Trejo, D., Nielson, D. (2018). “Performance of Shear Specimens Reinforced with High-Strength Reinforcing Bars.” ACI Structural Journal, 115(6), pp. 1529-1539. DOI: 10.14359/51710885
33. Park, H., Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R. (2018). “Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) for resilience assessment of a coastal community.” Natural Hazards. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-018-3460-3
32. Schmidt, E., Riggio, M., Laleicke, P., Barbosa, A.R., van den Wymelenberg, K. (2018). “How monitoring CLT buildings can remove market barriers and support designers in North America: an introduction to preliminary environmental studies.” Portuguese Journal of Structural Engineering. Ed. LNEC. Série III. n.o 7. ISSN 2183-8488. 41-48.
31. Mahdavifar, V.*, Sinha., A., Barbosa, A.R., Muszynski, L., Gupta, R. (2018). “Lateral and Withdrawal Capacity of Fasteners on Hybrid Cross-Laminated Timber Panels.” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 30, Number 9, Pages 04018226, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002432
30. Rodrigues, H., Furtado, A., Vila-Pouca, N., Varum, H., Barbosa, A.R. (2018). “Seismic Assessment of a School Building in Nepal and Analysis of Retrofitting Solutions.” International Journal of Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s40999-018-0297-9
29. Alam, M.S.*, Barbosa, A.R., Scott, M.H., Cox, D.T., van de Lindt, J.W. (2018). “Development of Physics-based Tsunami Fragility Functions considering Structural Member Failures.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 144, Issue 3.
28. Rodrigues, L.G*., Branco, J.M., Neves, L.A.C, Barbosa, A.R. (2018). “Seismic Assessment of a Heavy-Timber Frame Structure with Ring-doweled Moment-Resisting Connections.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 1341–1371 URL:
27. Barbosa, A.R., Fahnestock, L.A., Fick, D.R., Gautam, D., Soti, R.*, Wood, R., Moaveni, B., Stavridis, A., Olsen, M.J., and Rodrigues, H., (2017). “Performance of Medium-to-High Rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings with Masonry Infill in the 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake.” Earthquake Spectra. Earthquake Spectra: December 2017, Vol. 33, No. S1, pp. S197-S218.
26. Brando, G., Rapone, D., Spacone, E., O’Banion, M.S., Olsen, M.J., Barbosa, A.R., Faggella, M., Gigliotti, R., Liberatore, D., Russo, S., Sorrentino, L., Bose, S., Stravidis, A. (2017). “Damage Reconnaissance of Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings after the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake.” Earthquake Spectra. Vol. 33, No. S1, pp. S243-S273.
25. Wood, R.L., Mohammadi, M.E., Barbosa, A.R., Soti, R*., Abdulrahman, L., Kawan, C.K., Shakya, M., Olsen, M.J. (2017). “Damage Assessment and Modeling of the Five Tiered Pagoda Style Nyatapola Temple.” Earthquake Spectra. Vol. 33, No. S1, pp. S377-S384.
24. Ribeiro, F.L.A.*, Neves, L.A.C., and Barbosa, A.R. (2017) “Implementation and calibration of finite-length plastic hinge elements for use in seismic structural collapse analysis.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering,
23. Belejo, A.*, Barbosa, A.R., Bento, R. (2017). “Influence of Ground Motion Duration on Damage Index-Based Fragility Assessment of a Plan-Asymmetric Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Building,” Elsevier Journal of Engineering Structures.
22. Attary, N., Unnikrishnan, V., van de Lindt, J., Cox, D., and Barbosa, A.R., (2017) “Performance-Based Tsunami Engineering Methodology for Risk Assessment of Structures.” Engineering Structures, 141, 676–686.
21. Barbosa, A.R., Trejo, D., Nielson, D. (2017). “Effect of High Strength Steel on Shear Friction Behavior.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22 (8).
20. Park, H., Cox, D., Barbosa, A.R. (2017). “Comparison of Inundation Depth and Momentum Flux Based Fragilities for Probabilistic Tsunami Damage Assessment and Uncertainty Analysis.” Coastal Engineering, 122, 10-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.01.008
19. Li, Q., Stuedlein, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2017). “Torsional Load Transfer of Drilled Shaft Foundations.” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143(8). DOI:
18. Asgarieh, E., Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Chatzi, E. (2017). “Nonlinear Model Calibration of a Shear Wall Building Using Time and Frequency Data Features,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 85, pg 236-251
17. Park, H., Cox, D., Alam, M.S.*, Barbosa, A.R. (2017). “Probabilistic Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Analysis Conditioned on a Megathrust Rupture of the Cascadia Subduction Zone.” Frontiers Built Environment – Earthquake Engineering; Mega Quakes: Cascading Earthquake Hazards and Compounding Risks, 3:32. DOI:
16. Yu, H., Mohammed, M.A.*, Mohammadi, M.E., Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Stavridis, A., Wood, R.L. (2017). “Structural Identification of an 18-story RC Building in Nepal Using Post-Earthquake Ambient Vibration Data.” Frontiers in Built Environment, section Structural Sensing,
15. Barbosa, A. R., Ribeiro, F.*, and Neves, L. (2017). “Influence of earthquake ground-motion duration on damage estimation: application to steel moment resisting frames.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 46, Issue 1, DOI:
14. Lostra, M.*, Higgins, C., Barbosa, A. R. (2016). “Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Bridge Columns Using Titanium Alloy Bars.” Portuguese Journal of Structural Engineering, Series III (3), 75-82, URL:
13. Attary, N., van de Lindt, J., Unnikrishnan, V., Barbosa, A.R., and Cox, D. (2016). “Methodology for Development of Physics-Based Tsunami Fragilities.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,, 04016223.
12. Gidaris. I., Padgett, J., Barbosa, A.R., Chen, S., Cox, D. Webb, B., Cerato, A. (2016). “Multiple-hazard fragility and restoration models of highway bridges for regional risk and resilience assessment in the U.S.: a state-of-the-art review.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 143, Issue 3,
11. Trejo, D., Link, T.*, Barbosa, A. R. (2016). “Effect of Reinforcement Grade and Ratio on Seismic Performance of RC Columns.” ACI Structural Journal, Sep/Oct2016, Vol. 113 Issue 5, p907-916.
10. Kramer, A.*, Barbosa, A. R., and Sinha, A. (2015). “Design and Performance of Steel Energy Dissipators for Use in Cross-Laminated Timber Self-Centering Systems Subjected to Tension and Cyclic Loading.” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001410, E4015013,
9. Barbosa, A. R.*, Link, T., Trejo, D. (2015). “Seismic Performance of High-Strength Steel RC Bridge Columns.” ASCE J. Bridge Eng., 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000769,
8. [PDF] Ribeiro, F.L.A.*, Barbosa, A. R., Scott, M.H., and Neves, L.A.C. (2015). “Deterioration Modeling of Steel Moment Resisting Frames Using Finite-Length Plastic Hinge Force-Based Beam-Column Elements.” J. Struct. Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001052 , 04014112.
7. [PDF] Barbosa, A. R., and Ramadhan, G.* (2014). “Seismic Performance of a Tall Diagrid Steel Building with Tuned Mass Dampers.” International Journal of Innovations in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, (2), IMSE (1712-7882)
6. Ribeiro, F.*, Barbosa, A. R., and Neves, L. (2014). ”Application of Reliability-Based Robustness Assessment of Steel Moment Resisting Frame Structures under Post-Mainshock Cascading Events.” J. Struct. Eng. 140, SPECIAL ISSUE: Computational Simulation in Structural Engineering, A4014008.
5. Kramer, A.*, Barbosa, A. R., and Sinha, A. (2014). ”Viability of Hybrid Poplar in ANSI Approved Cross-Laminated Timber Applications.” J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 26(7), 06014009.
4. Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A. R., Conte, J. P., & Hemez, F. M. (2014). “Uncertainty analysis of system identification results obtained for a seven-story building slice tested on the UCSD-NEES shake table.” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 21: 466-483.
3. Faggella, M., Barbosa, A. R., Conte, J. P., Spacone, E., & Restrepo, J. I. (2013). “Probabilistic seismic response analysis of a 3-D reinforced concrete building.” Structural Safety, 44, 11-27. (
2. Pestana, A., Alves, T., and Barbosa, A. (2013). “Application of Lean Construction Concepts to Manage the Submittal Process in AEC Projects.” J. Manage. Eng., (May 11, 2013)
1. Castro, L.M.S.S. and Barbosa, A. R. (2006). “Implementation of a Hybrid-Mixed Stress Model based on the use of Wavelets.” Computers and Structures, Vol.84, 10-11, p718-731,
6. Pei, S., van de Lindt, J., Barbosa, A.R., Dolan, J., Berman, J., (2019-05-24) “Two-Story Wood Building Test”, in Shake Table Test of A Two-story Mass Timber Building with Post-tensioned Rocking Walls. DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset,
5. Misra, Sushreyo; Padgett, Jamie; Barbosa, A.R.; Webb, Bret, (2019-02-28), “Post Hazard Functionality of Roadways and Bridges” , DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset, doi:10.17603/ds2-c53f-4338
4. Motley, Michael; Eberhard, Marc; Arduino, Pedro; Barbosa, A.R.; (2019-02-23), “Probabilistic Assessment of Tsunami Forces on Coastal Structures” , DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset, doi:10.17603/ds2-q2w5-0t48
3. Wood, Richard; Barbosa, A.R.; Soti, Rajendra; Abdulrahman, Linh; Olsen, Michael; Mohammadi, Mohammad Ebrahim, (2019-01-03), “2015 Nepal Earthquake Data Archive: Nyatapola Temple” , DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset, doi:10.17603/DS2DT3B.
2. Arduino, Pedro; Motley, Michael; Eberhard, Marc; Cox, Daniel; Barbosa, A.R.; Lomonaco, Pedro, (2018-02-07), “NHERI Debris Impact Experiments” , DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset, doi:10.17603/DS2T09V
1. Olsen, Michael; Wood, Richard; Gillins, Dan; Barbosa, A.R.; Stavridis, Andreas; Burns, Patrick; Gillins, Matthew; Soti, Rajendra; Mohammadi, Mohammad Ebrahim; Javadnejad, Farid; Burchard, Catherine; Allahyari, Mahsa; O’Banion, Matthew; Che, Erzhuo; Ferreira Viana, Lucas Jose; Bose, Supratik, (2017-10-06), “Lidar Scans of Reinforced Concrete Building Performance following the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake”, DesignSafe-CI [publisher], Dataset, doi:10.17603/DS2P082
6. Varum, H., Dumaru, R., Furtado, A., Barbosa, A.R., Gautam, D., Rodrigues, H. (2018). “Seismic performance of buildings in Nepal after the Gorkha earthquake.” In: Gautam, D., Rodrigues, H. (eds) Impacts and Insights of the Gorkha Earthquake, pp 47-63. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-812808-4.00003-1
5. Mohammed, M.A.*, Yu, H., Furtado, A., Barbosa, A.R., Moaveni, B., Varum, H., Rodrigues, H., Vila-Pouca, N., Wood, R. L. (2017). “Post-earthquake Field Measurement- Based System Identification and Finite Element Modeling of an 18-Story Masonry-Infilled RC Building.” In: Conte J., Astroza R., Benzoni G., Feltrin G., Loh K., Moaveni B. (eds) Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures. EVACES 2017. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 5. Springer, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-67443-8_66
4. Bose, S., Nozari, A., Mohammadi, M., Stavridis, A., Moaveni, B., Wood, R., Gillins, D., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Structural Assessment of a School Building in Sankhu, Nepal Damaged Due to Torsional Response During the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake.” Dynamics of Civil Structures, edited by Pakzad S., Juan C., Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series (2). Springer International Series, 31-42. DOI: 10.1007/978- 3-319-29751-4_5.
3. Yeh, H., Barbosa, A.R., and Mason, B. (2015). Building Tsunami Effects in Man-Made Environment. Book Chapter. Pages 1-27, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, Editor: Meyers, A.R., Springer Berlin Heidelberg ISBN: 978-3-642-27737-5, 10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_623-1
2. Asgarieh, E., Moaveni, B., Nozari, A., Barbosa, A.R., Chatzi, E. (2014). Nonlinear Identification of a Seven-story Shear Wall Building Based on Numerically Simulated Seismic Data. Fikret Necati Catbas (Ed.) – Dynamics of Civil Structures, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Springer International Series, Pp 245-254 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04546-7_28
1. Faggella, M., Barbosa, A.R., Conte, J.P., Spacone, E., Restrepo, J.I. (2008). “Probabilistic Seismic Response Sensitivity Analysis of 3D Nonlinear Model of R/C Building Structure.” E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, G. Monti (eds) – Valutazione e riduzione della vulnerbilita sismica di edifici esistenti in concreto armado, 331-338, Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher Monza/Italy, ISBN: 8876991298, 9788876991295
77. Di Dieco, G.D., Pregnolato, M., & Barbosa, A.R. (2023). A methodology to derive scour fragility functions for masonry arch bridges. Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems – Biondini & Frangopol (Eds) © 2023 The Author(s), ISBN 978-1-003-32302-0
76. Fretz, M., Stenson, J., Orozco O., G.F., Narancic, P., Casey, F., Northcutt, D., Van Den Wymelenberg, K., Sheine, J. and Barbosa, A.R. (2023). Developing an Application for Mass Plywood Panels in Seismic and Energy Wall Retrofits. In 2023 World Conference in Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023).
75. Araújo R., G.A., Simpson, B., Ho, T.X., Orozco O., G.F., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A. (2022). Numerical Modelling of a Three-Story Building Using a Hybrid of Mass Timber Walls with Buckling-Restrained Braces. In: Mazzolani, F.M., Dubina, D., Stratan, A. (eds) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas. STESSA 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 262. Springer, Cham.
74. Rodrigues, L. G., Branco, J. M., Neves, L. A., & Barbosa, A.R. (2021). Application of Fragility Analysis to Timber-Framed Structures for Seismic and Robustness Assessments. In International Probabilistic Workshop (pp. 165-177). Springer, Cham.
73. Mugabo, I., Barbosa, A.R., Riggio, M. (2018). ”Modal Identification Study of a Four-story Mass-timber Building.” 16th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 20–23, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
72. Barbosa, A.R., Rodrigues, L.G., Sinha, A., Higgins, C., DeMeza, B., Zemmerman, R., Breneman, S., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J.W., Berman, J., McDonnell, E. , Branco, J.M., Neves, L.A.C. (2018). “Numerical Modeling of CLT And CLT-Concrete Composite Diaphragms Tested on a Shake Table Experiment.” 16th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 20–23, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
71. Rodrigues, L.G., Branco, J.M., Neves, L.A.C., Barbosa, A.R. (2018). “Fragility Analysis of a Heavy-Timber Frame Structure with Ring-Doweled Moment-Resisting Connections.” 16th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 20–23, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
70. Pei, S., van de Lindt, J., Barbosa, A.R., Berman, J., Blomgren, H., Dolan, J.D., McDonnell, E., Zimmerman, R., Fragiacomo, M., Rammer, D. (2018). “Full-scale Shake Table Test of a Two-story Mass-timber Building with Resilient Rocking Walls.” 16th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 20–23, 2018,Seoul, Republic of Korea
69. Schmidt, E.L., Riggio, M., Barbosa, A.R., Mugabo, I., Paul, F.L. (2018). “Moisture response of a full-scale cross laminated timber panel during environmental simulation: key factors in design and management.” 16th World Conference on Timber Engineering, August 20–23, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea
68. Lomonaco, P., Alam, M., Arduino, P., Barbosa, A.R., Cox, D., Do, T., Eberhard, M., Motley, M., Shekhar, K., Tomiczek, T., Park, H., van de Lindt, J.W., Winter, A. (2018). “Experimental Modeling of Wave Forces and Hydrodynamics on Elevated Coastal Structures Subject to Waves, Surge or Tsunamis: The Effect of Breaking, Shielding and Debris.” International Conference of Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, USA.
67. Misra, S., Padgett, J.E., Barbosa, A.R., Webb, B. (2018). “Post-Earthquake Restoration Modelling of Roadways and Bridges – A survey based approach.” Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25-29, 2018, Los Angeles, CA.
66. Berman, J., Wichman, S., Pei, S., van de Lindt, J., Barbosa, A.R., Dolan, J., Blomgren, H., McDonnell, E., Zimmerman, R. (2018). “Dynamic Testing and Analysis of Multi-Story Rocking Cross Laminated Timber Walls.” Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25-29, 2018. Los Angeles, CA.
65. Pei, S., Lindt, J.W., Berman, J., Barbosa, A.R., Ricles, J., Sause, R., Dolan, J., Ryan, K., Blomgren, H. McDonnell, E., Zimmerman, R., Robinson, T., Rammer, D., Buchanan, A., Popovski, M. (2018). “NHERI Tallwood investigative testing: Full-scale shake table test of a two-story mass-timber building. Eleventh U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 25-29, 2018. Los Angeles, CA.
64. Kameshwar, S., Barbosa, A.R., Cox, D. (2018). “Surrogate Model Based Tsunami Fragility and Sensitivity Analysis of a Three Story Steel Building.” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018, May 29 – June 1, Cambridge MA
63. Cox, D.T., Barbosa, A.R., Park, H., Alam, M. (2018). “A Probabilistic Framework for Seismic and Tsunami Community Loss Assessment.” ASCE-SEI Structures Congress, ASCE-SEI, April 19–21, 2018, Fort Worth, Texas.
62. DeMeza, B., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Higgins, C. (2018). “Design and Shake-Table Experimental Results of CLT and CLT-Concrete Composite Diaphragms.” Poster, International Mass Timber Conference, March 20-22, Portland, OR.
61. Schmidt E.L., Riggio M., Laleicke P.F., Barbosa, A.R., Van Den Wymelenberg K. (2017). “How Monitoring CLT Buildings Can Remove Market Barriers and Support Designers in North America: An Introduction to Preliminary Environmental Studies.” II Congresso Latinoameriano de Estrutras de Madera, CLEM+CIMAD, Buenos Aires, Argentina
60. Wood, R. L., Mohammadi, M.E., Barbosa, A.R., Kawan, C.K., Shakya, M., Olsen, M.J. (2017). “Structural Damage Assessment of a Five-Tiered Pagoda Style Temple in Nepal.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, The International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 12pp.
59. Yu, H., Levine, A., Van Oss, T., Mohammed, M., Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Stavridis, A. (2017). “System Identification and Modeling of an 18-Story Building in Nepal Using Post-Earthquake Ambient Vibration Data.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, The International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 12pp.
58. Miranda, L., Barbosa, A.R., Serra, J., Caldeira, L. (2017). “Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the Manzari‐Dafalias Model for Modeling the Cyclic Response of a Sand.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, The International Association for Earthquake Engineering, Jan. 9 to 13, Santiago, Chile, Paper 2211, 12pp.
57. O’Banion, M.S., Olsen, M.J., Barbosa, A.R. (2017). “Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment of a UNESCO Heritage Site in Nepal Using Lidar and a Virtual Reality Visualization Environment.” International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (IWCCE 2017), ASCE, Seattle, WA.
56. Mahdavifar, V., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Muszynski, L., Gupta, R. (2017). “Lateral and Withdrawal Capacity of One Screw Type on Hybrid Cross Laminated Timber Panel Applications.” 71st International Convention, Forest Products Society, June 26-28, 2017, Starkville, Mississippi
55. Barbosa A.R., Soti, R. (2017). “Three-Dimensional Numerical Evaluation of Masonry Walls Retrofitted with Near Surface Mounted Reinforcing Steel Bars.” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2017 Conference, ASCE, June 4-7, San Diego, CA.
54. Rodrigues, L., Branco, J., Neves, L., Barbosa, A.R. (2017). “Robustness of Multi-Story Timber Buildings in Seismic Regions.” Third INFRARISK- Summer Workshop, LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal.
53. Attary, N., van de Lindt, J.W., Barbosa, A.R., Cox, D. T., Unnikrishnan, V. (2017). “Performance-Based Risk Assessment of Structures Subjected to Multi-Hazard Case of Tsunamis Following Earthquakes.” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute 2017 Conference, ASCE, June 4-7, San Diego, CA.
52. Alam, M.S., Barbosa, A.R., Park, H., Cox, D. (2017). “Probabilistic Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PSTHA) Conditional on A Mega-Thrust Rupture of The Cascadia Subduction Zone.” 2017 EERI annual meeting, March 7-10, Portland, OR.
51. Soti, R., Barbosa, A.R., Jaho G., Mortola, E. A., Lagomarsino S., Cattari S. (2017). “New Generation Fragility Functions for Unreinforced Masonry Buildings: Application to the City of Portland, Oregon.” EERI Annual Meeting, on March 7-10, Portland, OR.
50. Cappozzo, M., Rizzi, A., Cimellaro, G.P., Barbosa, A.R., Cox, D. (2017). “Earthquake and Tsunami Resiliency Assessment for a Coastal Community in the Pacific Northwest, USA.” ASCE Structures Congress 2017, ASCE, Denver, Colorado, 122-133. DOI:
49. Lostra, M., Higgins, C., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Bridge Columns Using Titanium Alloy Bars.” XII International Conference on Structural Repair and Rehabilitation, Instituto da Construção, Porto, Portugal.
48. Sa, P., Rodrigues, H., Furtado, A.F., Varum, H., Vila-Pouca, N., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Evaluation of the Seismic Vulnerability of a School Building in Nepal – Proposal for Retrofit Solutions.” (in Portuguese), Betão Estrutural 2016, GPBE and DCUC, Coimbra, Portugal.
47. Sa, P., Rodrigues, H., Furtado, A.F., Varum, H., Vila-Pouca, N., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Numerical Study on the Seismic Vulnerability of a School Building with a Proposed Retrofit Solution” (in Portuguese), XII International Conference on Structural Repair and Rehabilitation, Instituto da Construção, Porto, Portugal.
46. Mahdavifar, V., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha., A. (2016). “Nonlinear Layered Modeling Approach for Cross Laminated Timber Panels Subjected to Out-of-Plane Loading.” 41st IAHS World Congress on Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, The International Association for Housing Science, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal, 10pp.
45. Mahdavifar, V., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha., A., Gupta, R., Muszynski, L. (2016). “Hysteretic behavior of metal connectors for hybrid (high- and low-grade mixed species) cross- laminated timber.” World Conference of Timber Engineering, WCTE, Vienna, Austria, 8pp
44. Varum, H., Pouca, N., Rodrigues, H., Furtado, A., Oliveira, J., Arêde, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Infilled RC Structures Performance in the 25th April, 2015 Gorkha Nepal Earthquake: Observations and Dynamic Characterization Tests.” 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC, Padova, Italy.
43. Varum, H., Arêde, A., Rodrigues, H., Pouca, N.V., Oliveira, J., Furtado, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Earthquake in Nepal 2015: Lessons Learnt from the Behavior and Damage Observed in Buildings.” Congreso Euro – Americano Rehabend 2016, Patología de la Construcción, Tecnología de la Rehabilitación y Gestión del Patrimonio, Burgos, Spain
42. Bose, S., Nozari, A., Mohammadi, M., Stavridis, A., Moaveni, B., Wood, R., Gillins, D., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Structural Assessment of a School Building in Sankhu, Nepal Damaged Due to Torsional Response During the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake.” IMAC XXXIV A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, 12pp.
41. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Rosário, R., Barbosa, A.R. and Neves, L. (2016). “Sensitivity Analysis of Steel Moment Frames Subjected to Fire Using the OpenSees Framework.” In: 10th National Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Azores, Portugal
40. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R., and Neves, L.C.A. (2016). “Fragility and Loss Assessment of Pre-Northridge Steel Moment Frames Using the OpenSees Framework.” In: 10th National Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Azores, Portugal25.
39. Mahdavifar, V., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Muszynski, L., Gupta, R. (2016). “Shear and Withdrawal Capacity of Fasteners on Hybrid Cross-Laminated Timber Panels.” 70th International Convention- Forest Products Society, June 26-29, 2016, Portland, OR.
38. Larkin B., Muszynski, L., Barbosa, A.R., Sinha, A., Gupta, R. (2016). Effective bonding parameters for hybrid cross-laminated timber (CLT) layups. 70th International ConventionForest Products Society, June 26-29, 2016, Portland, OR.
37. Alam, M.S., Barbosa, A.R. (2016). “Infill Strut Model Class Uncertainty of Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Infilled Frames.” ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, ASCE, May 22-25, 2016, Nashville, TN.
36. Chang, W.Y., Nozari, A., Alam, M.S., Stavridis, A. Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Wood, R.L. (2016). “Structural Identification and Modeling of a Three-Story School Building Damaged During the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake.” EMI 2016, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, ASCE, May 22-25, 2016, Nashville, TN.
35. Huffman, J.C., Barbosa, A.R., Stuedlein, A.W. (2016). “Simulation Framework for Reliabilitybased Serviceability Assessments of Multi-Story Steel-framed Structures Supported on Spatially-variable Soil.” ASCE Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress, ASCE, Phoenix, AR.
34. Soti, R., Barbosa, A.R., Stavridis, A. (2015). “Analytical and Experimental Study of Seismic Performance of URM Walls and Infilled RC Frames Retrofitted with Near Surface Mounted Steel Bars.” 2nd Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings, ATC-SEI, Dec. 10-12, San Francisco, CA.
33. Larkin, B., Muszynski, L., Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R., Gupta, R. (2015). “Effective adhesive systems and optimal bonding parameters for hybrid CLT.”58th SWST International Convention. Renewable Materials and the Bio-Economy, SWST, June 7-12, Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton NP, Jackson, WY
32. Sinha A., Barbosa, A.R., Kramer, A. (2015). “Design and Performance of Steel Energy Dissipators to be Used in Cross-Laminated Timber Self-Centering Systems.” 58th SWST International Convention. Renewable Materials and the Bio-Economy, SWST , June 7-12, Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton NP, Jackson, WY
31. Alam, M., Barbosa, A.R. (2015). “Modeling Uncertainties in Reinforced Concrete Masonry Infilled Frames.” Poster, ASCE Structures Congress, ASCE, Portland, OR.
30. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R. and Neves, L.C.A. (2015). “General Implementation of Modified Ibarra-Medina-Krawinkler Hysteretic Deterioration Models for Concentrated Plasticity and Finite Length Plasticity Models”. In: OpenSees Days, 2nd Italian Workshop, June 2015, Salerno, Italy
29. Mason, H.B., Barbosa, A.R., Carey, T., Scott, M. (2015). “Tsunami bore impact on soil-bridge systems.” Oral Presentation, ASCE Structures Congress, ASCE, Portland, OR.
28. Asgarieh, E., Moaveni, B., and Barbosa, A.R. (2015). “Probabilistic Nonlinear Identification of a Shear Wall using Time and Frequency Data.” IMAC XXXIII, Society for Experimental Mechanics, February 2015, Orlando, FL.
27. Belejo, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2014) “Mainshock – Aftershock Interaction Diagram for a 3D Plan-Asymmetric Structure,” 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 2014
26. Barbosa, A.R., Gambatese, J., Das, A., Pestana, A.C. (2014) “Mapped Workflow for Safety and Reliability Assessments of Use and Re-use of Formwork,” 2014 Construction Research Congress, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
25. Barbosa, A.R., Ribeiro, F.L.A., Neves, L.C.A. (2014). “Effects of Earthquake Ground-motion Duration on the Response of a 9-story Steel Moment Resisting Frame,” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
24. Carey, T., Mason, H. B., Barbosa, A.R., and Scott, M. H. (2014). “Modeling framework for soil-bridge system response during sequential earthquake and tsunami loading,” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
23. Romney, K. T., Barbosa, A.R., and Mason, H. B. (2014). “Developing a soil bridge-interaction model for studying the effects of long-duration earthquake motions,” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
22. Soti, R., Barbosa, A.R., and Stavridis, A. (2014). Numerical Modeling of URM Infill Walls Retrofitted with Embedded Reinforcing Steel, In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Anchorage, Alaska.
21. Kramer, A.K., SInha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2014) “Cross Laminated Timber Panels Using Hybrid Poplar,” In Proceedings of the 57th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology June 23-27, 2014 – Zvolen, SLOVAKIA
20. Asgarieh, E., Moaveni, B., Nozari, A., Barbosa, A.R., Chatzi, E. (2014). “Nonlinear Identification of a Seven-story Shear Wall Building Based on Numerically Simulated Seismic Data,” Proceedings of the 32th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Florida, USA. Society for Experimental Mechanics
19. Belejo, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2014). “Mainshock – Aftershock Interaction Diagram for a 3D Plan-Asymmetric Structure.” 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), International Association for Computational Mechanics, July 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
18. Kramer, A.K., Sinha, A., Barbosa, A.R. (2014). “Cross-Laminated Timber Panels Using Hybrid Poplar.” 57th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, Society of Wood Science and Technology, June 23-27, Zvolen, Slovakia, 321-322
17. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R., and Neves, L.A.C. (2013). “Reliability-Based Robustness Assessment of Structures Subjected to Post-Mainshock Hazard Events.” In 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2013). New York, U.S.A. June 2013
16. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R., and Neves, L.A.C.(2012). “Robustness Assessment for Consecutive Seismic Events.” In 4º Encontro Nacional de Risco, Seguranca e Fiabilidade, IST, Lisboa, Portugal.
15. Barbosa, A.R., Neves, L.A.C. and Ribeiro, F.L.A. (2012). “Preliminary Proposal For Performance-Based Structural Engineering For Fire Following Earthquake.” In First International Conference on Performance-Based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE 2012), December, Hong Kong, China
14. Ribeiro, F.L.A., Barbosa, A.R., and Neves, L.A.C. (2012). “Seismic Robustness Assessment of Code Compliant Steel Moment Resisting Frame Under Seismic Triggered Sequences of Events.” In Proceedings of 15th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugal.
13. Asgarieh, E., Moaveni, B., and Barbosa, A.R. (2012). “Identifying the Hysteretic Models of Structural Elements using Instantaneous Modal Parameters.” In Proceedings of 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and the 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, June 17-24
12. Faggella, M., Barbosa, A.R., Conte, J. P., Spacone, E, and Restrepo, J.I. (2009). “Use of High Performance Computing for Probabilistic Seismic Response Sensitivity Analyses of a Building Structure.” In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing for Engineering”, B.H.V. Topping, P.Iványi, (Editors), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 28, 2009. doi:10.4203/ccp.90.28
11. Barbosa, A.R., Panagiotou, M., Conte, J.P., and Restrepo, J.I. (2009). “Comparison of Dynamic Strut-andTie and Fiber Beam-Column Models for the UCSD Seven-Story Full-scale Building Slice Test.” In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (CUEE 2009), Tokyo, Japan
10. Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Panagiotou, M., Conte, J.P., and Restrepo, J.I. (2009). “Uncertainty Analysis of Identified Damping Ratios in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems.” In Proceedings of the 27th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXVII), Orlando, Florida, USA, February 2009. Society for Experimental Mechanics.
9. Conte, J. P., Moaveni, B., He, X., and Barbosa, A.R. (2009). “System and Damage Identification Studies of a Seven-Story Reinforced Concrete Building Structure Subjected to Shake Table Tests.” In Proc. (Abstracts) of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2009), Rhodes, Greece, June 22-24, 2009.
8. Faggella, M., Barbosa, A.R., Conte, J. P., Spacone, E, and Restrepo, J.I. (2008). “Seismic Assessment of R/C Building Structure through Nonlinear Probabilistic Analysis with High-performance Computing.” In MERCEA08, Seismic Engineering International Conference, July, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
7. Faggella, M., Barbosa, A.R., Conte, J. P., Spacone, E, and Restrepo, J.I. (2008). “Probabilistic Seismic Response Sensitivity Analysis of a 3-D Nonlinear Model of a Building Structure.” In Valutazione e Riduzione della Vulnerabilità Sismica di Edifici in Cemento Armato, Rome, Italy, May, ReLuis2rm08 Conference.
6. Barbosa, A. R. and Silva, M.A.G. (2007). “Bridge Abutment Interaction Under Seismic Loading.” In 2nd International Conference on Structural Condition Assessment, Monitoring and Improvement (SCAMI-2), 19-21 November, Changsha, China.
5. Barbosa, A.R., Caldeira, L., and Silva, M.A.G. (2007). “Modelação Numérica de Pontes Incluindo Interacção Encontro-Superestrutura.” In Proceedings 7º Congresso de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, Porto, Portugal
4. Moaveni, B., Barbosa, A.R., Conte, J. P., & Hemez, F. M. (2007). “Uncertainty Analysis of Modal Parameters Obtained From Three System Identification Methods.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC-XXV), Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, Florida, USA
3. Silva, M., Barbosa, A.R., Pereira, E., Castro. L. (2005). “Utilização de um Modelo Híbrido-Misto na Análise Dinâmica de Estruturas Reticuladas Planas.” Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, Granada, Spain
2. Castro, L.M.S.S. and Barbosa, A.R. (2003). “Resolução de Problemas de Elasticidade com Wavelets no Intervalo.” VII Encontro Nacional de Mecanica Aplicada e Computacional, Évora
1. Castro, L.M.S.S. and Barbosa, A.R. (2003). “Implementation of a Hybrid-Mixed Stress Model Based on the Use of Wavelets.” In IX International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, CC2003 (Civil-Comp press), paper 41, Egmond an Zee, August
10. Barbosa, A.R. and Mason, H. B. (2014). Field Notes from Oregon State University Team – Appendix A of the PEER Report on Preliminary Notes and Observations on the August 24, 2014, South Napa Earthquake. Editors: G. S. Kang and S. A. Mahin, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Report No. 2014/13, Berkeley, California.
9. Schotanus, M., Almufti, I., Barbosa, A., Bray, J. Dawson, T., Marrow, J. Mieler, M., Scawthorn, C., Yashinsky, M. (2014) M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake of August 24, 2014. EERI Special Earthquake Report, October, 2014
8. Mason, H. B. and Barbosa, A.R. (2014) Napa Disaster Should Offer a Timely Lesson for Oregonians. The Oregonian, September 5, 2014. Opinion Editorial
7. Barbosa, A. R., Mason, H. B., and Romney, K. T. (2014). “SSI-Bridge: Soil-Bridge Interaction during Long-Duration Earthquake Motions.” Final Project Report. Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), Seattle, Washington.
6. Trejo, D., Barbosa, A.R., Link, T. (2014). “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Constructed with Grade 80 Reinforcement,” Final Project Report FHW A-OR-RD-15-02, SRS 500-610, Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, Oregon.
5. Gambatese, J., Barbosa, A.R., Das, A. (2014) “Use and Re-use of Formwork: Safety Risks and Reliability Assessment,” CPWR Small Study Report, Silver Spring, MD
4. Panagiotou, M., Genwoo, K., Barbosa, A.R., and Restrepo, J.I. (2009) “Response Verification of a Reinforced Concrete Bearing Wall Building Located in an Area of High Seismic Hazard.” Portland Cement Association Research and Development, Serial No. SN2961, Illinois.
3. Panagiotou, M., Genwoo, K., Barbosa, A.R., and Restrepo, J.I. (2008) “Response Verification of a Reinforced Concrete Bearing Wall Building Located in an Area of High Seismic Hazard.” SSRP Report 2008/05. UCSD – Department of Structural Engineering, La Jolla, California.
2. Panagiotou, M., Geonwoo, K., Barbosa, A. R., Restrepo, J.I., (2007) “Response Verification of a Reinforced Concrete Bearing Wall Building Located in an Area of High Seismic Hazard.” Report to PCA, September, 2007.
1. Barbosa, A.R., L.M.S.S. Castro, (2001) “Wavelets on the Interval – Application to elasticity problems.” Ondelettes et équations aux dérivées partielles, Luminy, Marseille
8. NIST GCR 14 917-30, “Use of High-Strength Reinforcement in Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Structures” Acknowledgement,
7. PacTrans News, January 2014,
6. Terra, “Oregon 9.0: When the next big one comes, will we be ready?” Spring 2013.
5. International Science Grid This Week. “Earthquake Risks”, June 2012,
4. Open Science Grid. “Testimonials”, June 2012,
3. OSU Building Together, Industry Newsletter, Winter 2012 – Issue 4,
2. International Urban Earthquake Engineering Center for Mitigating Seismic Mega Risk” CUEE/PEER Young Researchers Workshop”, March 2009,
1. PEER NEWS, 2009, “PEER Students attend CUEE Conference and Visit E-Defense Shaking Table in Japan”